
E36: Football Business Insider – Gary Udhwani, Business Development Manager (Europe), LaLiga


Welcome to the first episode of our new series, Football Business Insider! Our goal is to provide real-life stories from professionals working in the football industry.

In this episode, we had the pleasure of speaking with Gary Udhwani, Business Development Manager for Europe at LaLiga.

Gary’s story is unique—born in the Canary Islands of Spain, with Indian roots, he transcended a pool of 12,000 candidates to secure his first position. Over the past six years, he has advanced his career in football and now manages nine LaLiga delegates across 32 countries in Europe.

Key questions:

  1. How did you first enter the football industry and land your current job at LaLiga?
  2. What was that exact moment where you got the first job at LaLiga?
  3. Can you walk us through a typical day as a Business Development Manager for your Europe? Like your daily routine and main responsibilities
  4. What are your biggest challenges regarding your role?
  5. What do you enjoy most about your role? 
  6. What tips would you give to young professionals who want to pursue a role similar to yours, specifically in business development in football?

The summary with the key takeaways of this episode is available as text as well.

Topics included
  • Career
  • International Business
  • Business Development
  • League Development

May 2024

Available in
